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History of Indian Languages

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History of Indian Languages

Number of Sessions: 5
Resource Person: Mr. Raamesh G R
Medium: English

1. Indian language families
2. Dravidian Languages and Literature
3. Early and Middle Indo-Aryan Languages and Literature (Proto-Sanskrit, Sanskrit, Gandhari, Pali, Ardhamagadhi)
4. Medieval and Modern Indo-Aryan Languages and Literature (Hindi, Sindhi, Punjabi, Kashmiri and Nepali)
5. Medieval and Modern Indo-Aryan Languages and Literature (Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Odia and Asomiya)

About the Resource Person
Raamesh Gowri Raghavan has 7 years of experience in scientific research, especially with PCR and biochemistry skills, followed by 11 years of experience in digital marketing, adept at conceptualisation, strategizing, copywriting and execution of marketing campaigns, working well solo or in a team. He has helped bring several brands to market in memorable and award-winning ways. He is also a teacher-researcher in the field of archaeology, linguistics and epigraphy with 4 years of experience.

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